Terms and Conditions

Your Guide to a Smooth Experience

Ready to dive into the exciting world of GAMERSASSET ? Before you start buying and selling digital games and goodies, make sure you understand the rules of the game with these simplified Terms of Service!

Key things to remember:

Be responsible: You gotta be 13 or older to play, keep your password safe, and use the platform responsibly.
Respect the community: Play fair, follow the rules, and treat others with kindness.
Your information matters: We use it to make GAMERSASSET awesome and protect you, but you can always control and update it.
Virtual items are for using, not owning: Enjoy them while you have them, but they’re not yours forever.
Pay it forward: Use the platform’s currency for all your transactions.
Downtime happens: Sometimes the platform might be unavailable, so be patient!
Changes are a part of life: We might update the platform or rules, so keep an eye out.
Consequences for breaking the rules: We might limit your access if you don’t play nice.
GAMERSASSET Credits and Gift Cards: Enjoy the flexibility of Credits and remember, Gift Cards expire after 1 years!
Liability is limited: We can’t be responsible for everything, but we’ll always try our best.
Respecting ownership: All that cool stuff like logos and trademarks belong to their rightful owners.
Legal stuff: These rules are based on where GAMERSASSET operates, and we might share your information with the law if needed.
Questions? We’re here! Reach out to our friendly team for any clarification.